Universidad San Jorge

REciprocal maieutic Approach pathways enhancing Critical Thinking

REciprocal maieutic Approach pathways enhancing Critical Thinking – REACT project intend to develop and implement an innovative methodology for the enhancement of critical thinking skills acquisition, aimed at fostering inclusive education and the common values of tolerance and acceptance of diversity as a enriching value. The new methodology will involve all the key actors of the educating communities: teachers, students and their parents.

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Kids In Action

The project “Kids in Action” (KIA) is a small collaborative partnership with the specific purpose to create an easy and practical way to make kids and their parents more aware of the importance to be physically more active and with the special focus in increasing the skills development that are so important to develop at early age. Also important is work on their social inclusion, being in a world so global, so crowdy but and the same time so lonely and so selfish, its so important to develop at early ages sentiments that as tolerance and respect.

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Learning Schools: Schools as learning organisations

Learning Schools is addressing a common problem within the educational systems of most European countries – the loss of knowledge and expertise with teacher retirement, attrition and migration. Most schools do not have any mechanisms for knowledge capturing, synthesising and sharing within the organisation or others use only separate tools, which are not organised as an efficient system. The aim of our transnational team of experts is to enhance individual, team and organisational learning in schools. The direct target group of the project is school principals, school leaders and teachers from Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Turkey. In order to achieve the project’s goals we are creating the first knowledge management system and platform for schools in the participants’ countries, which will contain a set of synchronised tools.

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Active Twinning for Enhancing Physical Activity in Rural Areas

The main goal of A-TWIN is “to promote education in and through sport” that is focussed on promoting sport practise in natural spaces through urban active parks where all those elements that are included in, are related to cultural education. Leaded by Fundacion Universidad San Jorge, three pillars hold it:
– Outdoor physical activities and sport for all, leaded by a grassroot mountain activities club (Boira, Spain).
– Cutural learning based on common interest, history and links between twinned towns (Zuera -Spain, Ramonville -France and Trescore-Italy).
– Environmental education through outdoor activities in nature surrondings.

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Promoting Deep and Wide Thinking / Early Dual Degrees in Basic Sciences

About EU Higher Education Policy: EU leaders have agreed a target that 40% of those aged 30-34 should have a higher education or equivalent qualification by 2020. While higher education graduates are more likely to find employment than people with lower levels of qualifications, higher education curricula are often slow to respond to changing needs in the wider economy, and fail to anticipate or help shape the careers of tomorrow. Addressing Europe’s high-level skills needs requires action.

First, more people need to be attracted to the fields of study that prepare students for jobs where shortages exist or are emerging. In many EU Member States there is unmet demand for graduates in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, (arts) and MATHS (STE(A)M) fields, medical professions and teaching.

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21st Century Skils: Changing the Approach to Teaching in Higher Education

Education and training play a crucial role in enabling young people to develop these skills and competences – as well as allowing them the best possible start in life (European Commission, 2019). 21st Century Skills (Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity & Innovation, Self- Direction, Making Global Connections, Making Local Connections, Using Technology as a Tool for Learning) are crucial for quality of education and training. All educators, researchers and labour market are agreed about the importance of mentioned skills but there is a lack of teaching materials and methodology. In order to help and develop skill development at the EU level partnership intend to develop CATCH-21 Century Project.

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Medical interpreting as a profession and as an activity is very different from one European country to another and the needs are constantly changing, with the migration patterns always modified by social, economic and political events. In other words, all the countries have to adapt so as to offer the best interpreting services possible to those in need.

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WorkFit: Diseño de una batería de test de adecuación del trabajador al puesto de trabajo a través de la evaluación de la condición física y una propuesta de mejora a través de una nueva app.

Los Trastornos Musculoesqueléticos (TME) tienen una gran incidencia dentro del sector manufacturero. Identificar las necesidades de cada puesto y la capacidad del trabajador para desempeñarlo podría ser una gran oportunidad de reducir el riesgo de lesión.

Para realizar el análisis de movimiento se requiere de un equipo con experiencia en la valoración biomecánica de gestos y a su vez, es necesario un equipo que sea capaz de determinar las capacidades físicas de los trabajadores.

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Asistentes Evolutivos Inteligentes para iniciar Líneas de Producto Software

Vivimos en un mundo donde la frontera entre la economía tradicional y la economía digital ha desaparecido. Productos tradicionales tan heterogéneos como electrodomésticos, vehículos o teléfonos han sido transformados por un mayor protagonismo del software en los mismos. Tal es el impacto del software que influencia la capacidad para satisfacer una demanda global de productos cada vez más personalizados. El estado del arte para atender con éxito esta personalización en masa son las Líneas de Producto Software (LPS). Una LPS consiste en la ingeniería de un conjunto de productos con elementos comunes y variables mediante un proceso que maximiza la reutilización entre las diferentes variantes. Esto incluye la construcción de un modelo de variabilidad que explicita las características de los productos. Las diferentes variantes de la LPS pueden ser configuradas y producidas mediante el ensamblado de activos reutilizables reduciendo el coste de los productos personalizados.

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