Referencia: 579689-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-SPO-SSCP

Financiación: Programa europeo Erasmus+, Support for Collaborative Partnerships in the field of Sport

Coordinador: Universidad San Jorge (España)

Socios: Association Européenne des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels (Francia), ETHNIKO KAI KAPODISTRIAKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON  (Grecia) y Baranta Hagyomanyos Magyar Harcmuveszetek Orszagos Szovetsege (Hungría).

 Periodo de ejecución: 2016-2018



El proyecto Geo_Ludens, con duración de 18 meses y un presupuesto de 73.527 €, tiene como objetivo contribuir al estudio y promoción de deportes y juegos tradicionales a través de una perspectiva cultural, social e interregional y mediante herramientas tecnológicas e innovadoras de difusión hacer llegar este conocimiento a una sociedad intergeneracional.

El proyecto se lleva a cabo por el Grupo de Investigación VALORA


The GEO-LUDENS Project is an innovative proposal from different points of view:

  1. Its transdisciplinarity (work team profiles, knowledge areas interrelation, etc.): Therefore it is related to the INTERNATIONALIZATION AND TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE strategies of the participating entities (partners and associates) and TRANSFER TO OTHER SOCIO-CULTURAL SETTINGS where results could be applied and replicated.
  2. Its GROUND-BREAKING NEW TECHNLOGIES APPLICATION that will bring in different generations (through a visual and interactive language, diverse web, apps, educational tools, etc.): Designing and creating new products to PROMOTE and DISSEMINATE European Traditional Sports and Games (TSGs) In a glocalized environment one of the preservation strategies of local and traditional practices is to provide the tools to be used by European children and youth. Currently, existing materials are strategies 1.0 (movies, documentaries, documents, etc.). 2.0 promotion strategies (web and interactive multimedia content, social networks, Apps., etc.), and 3.0 strategies (geolocation) which will be developed for the Project.
  3. Physical and motor requirements for traditional games and sports (physical activity intensity as mild to moderate and even intensive, depending on the different modalities). The analysis is related to cultural, social and territorial-geographical aspects; factors key when considering SPORT AS AN INTEGRATOR, specifically an INTEGRATION ELEMENT that reduces or eliminates social discrimination due to gender, race, religion, disability, among other things.